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Figure 3 | BMC Cancer

Figure 3

From: NF-κB targeting by way of IKK inhibition sensitizes lung cancer cells to adenovirus delivery of TRAIL

Figure 3

Ad5hTRAIL and AdIKKβKA transductions of lung cancer cells. Panel A represents a flow cytometry analysis of hTRAIL expression in A549 cell line. Conditions for infections are as follows: 1, unstained; 2, uninfected (secondary antibody alone); 3, AdLacZ; 4, Ad5hTRAIL (5,000 MOI); 5, Ad5hTRAIL (10,000 MOI). Panel B shows a Western Blotting indicating IKKβKA expression. Adenoviral constructs used in the infections are indicated above each lane (duplicate independent A549 samples are shown). Molecular standard markers (β galactosidase, 121 kD; and bovine serum albumin, 70 kD) are provided to the left of the blot.

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