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Figure 2 | BMC Cancer

Figure 2

From: Identification of hypoxanthine as a urine marker for non-Hodgkin lymphoma by low-mass-ion profiling

Figure 2

Discriminating NHL patients from controls based on low-mass ions present in urine. A. Principal components analysis (PCA). The first principle component (PC1) explains the greatest amount of variance, and PC2 represents the next largest amount. Left panel: Unsupervised PCA showing that profiling of low-mass ions in urine may discriminate NHL patients. Right panel: Supervised PCA describing low-mass ions with differential mass-peak intensities in urines from controls and NHL patients. B. Thirty low-mass ions selected by t-test analysis. C. Profile plot focused on 137.08 m/z peaks. The profile plot demonstrates a higher peak intensity of the 137.08-m/z ion in urines from NHL patients compared to that in controls in both training and validation groups. Lower panel describes overlapped mass spectra of four urine samples from NHL patients and controls from blue box in profile plot.

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